Teamer da: 05/10/2017
Todos los que me conocéis personalmente o por las redes sociales podéis seguir todos los rescates y el día a día con todos los peludos rescatados. Es algo que hago encantada, pero mantenerlos a todos y cuidar de ellos no es fácil. Son muchos los gastos diarios que tengo para ellos y he decidido crear este grupo Teaming para quien quiera ayudar a con el proyecto de seguir salvando vidas.
Teamer da: 01/11/2017
We discovered that in the Vilafranca shelter some dogs are residing there since many years. It is our goal to get these dogs away from the shelter: stop their suffering, stop their exposure to the stress of the shelter and stop the lack of love and attention they had to deal with for more than 8 years now. The funds will be paid to the residence that takes care of the dogs while waiting for their family. The funds will be transferred by association La Moja
Teamer da: 01/11/2017
SAVING DOGS FROM 21 YEARS Our goal is to raise money to save,feed,help the stray dogs and cats we saved frompublicshelters,streets,roads,fields,woods.dogs and cats abandoned which never had a good life and need our help We currently have 167 dogs and 32 cats in our care in four diffrent places because we cannot keep all in one place from lack of space.all babies in our care need food, sometimes treatments,vaccines but everyday we find more and more abandoned Only with peoples help we can save
Teamer da: 27/08/2018
Con un team di 50 operatori Save the Dogs gestisce un progetto integrato di lotta al randagismo nel Sud Est della Romania, restituendo dignità a migliaia di animali abbandonati, curandoli, sterilizzandoli e ricollocandoli presso famiglie adottive. Save the Dogs ha lanciato nel 2019 Non Uno di Troppo, il programma di prevenzione del randagismo dedicato al Sud Italia e dal 2021 assiste gli animali dei senzatetto di Milano.
Teamer da: 27/08/2018
The association Save & Hope for Dogs is a Romanian association that rescues stray dogs from the street to offer them a life worthy of the name and proposes them for adoption. Each adopted lulu is repatriated with a European passport, castrated / neutered (except pups), chipped, vaccinated. We need your help for our project to build a new shelter, to accommodate a hundred loulous. Thanks for them.
Teamer da: 27/08/2018
AVPD, Asociación Valencia Perrera Dogs, are a registered charity in Spain (G98900228). Our objective is to find rescue spaces and other safe and caring opportunities for the dogs saved from perreras (dog pounds) and for those found abandoned on the street.
Teamer da: 27/08/2018
Desde varios años me dedico al rescate animal teniendo a mi cargo muchas vidas y a pesar de cáncer que padezco sigo ayudando a estas maravillosas criaturas, muchos de ellos son mayores y enfermos que requieren constantemente servicios veterinarios y medicamentos, necesito ayuda mas que nunca para poder afrontar los gastos que requiere tener a estos animales en óptimas condiciones. Estamos en Mallorca y nos podeis encontrar por Facebook /Dogscity Mallorca/, espero vuestro apoyo, gracias.
Teamer da: 27/08/2018
We are dedicated to rescuing and re homing dogs and cats in Spain which is done solely on donations received from our members and fundraisers.
Teamer da: 27/08/2018
Please, please, don´t look away..With your micro donation will be supported the public shelter in Radauti. We want to raise enough each month to cover the basics: to ensure the dogs are fed (the food costs are about 100 € daily), sterilised and that any medicines needed can be provided so please sign up. It’s just a regular monthly payment of 1 euro. It´s so little but if we all do it, together we can achieve something huge…
Teamer da: 27/08/2018
I want to help “Saving the Street Dogs”, a group created to help the street dogs in Romania and Bosnia, and to rescue those that are in public shelters. Marin-Natasa Ivanovic cares for a constant number of dogs that she has rescued, that need continued food and veterinary care. With the support of other volunteers Marin prepares the rescued dogs for foster and rehoming in various countries. The group relies donations and I hope this Teaming group will ensure a regular income can be generated.
Teamer da: 27/08/2018
This group is organised by volunteers who seek to save the lives of dogs in urgent need - whether ill, terrified, or on death row in Almeria Perrera. The Pererra is run by local authorities, and when it is full the animals are sacrificed. We try to find rescue spaces and adoptions for all the dogs and raise money to take dogs out who very sadly and through no fault of their own find themselves in urgent need at the Perrera in Almeria.
Teamer da: 27/08/2018
I am starting this group hoping to raise funds which will be available to the rescue on a regular basis to help with the very basic essentials such as food, sawdust, vets bills . The needs are great and the bills are high this refuge in rural Spain really struggles on a daily basis.
Teamer da: 27/08/2018
I am Alma Kovacevic and I was forced to rescue 4 dogs from the street due to their awful condition in which I found them in my neighborhood. They were abused by people, tortured, sick and starving. I didn't have heart to leave them like that .They are currently at 2 small private shelters and my goal is to help them find a save and nice home abroad when the become fine. Generally, Bosnia and Herzegovina has a quite good Law on Animal Welfare and Protection but it has not been implementing :(
Teamer da: 27/08/2018
Our group saves the mistreated and abandonned animals mostly in Granada in Spain. The group has been run for many years by Maria Gloria Salinas-Picon. All dogs that we take on as a group are taken first to the vet and treated irrespective of costs. For those who cannot go to a foster residency is paid which is 90E each month. All dogs will have a full health check, micro-chips and vaccinations as well as a passport. Pictures and videos are published on the FaceBook page of the group.