Kitty - Feral cats in need.

Kitty - Feral cats in need.

2  Teamers
13 € angariados

For the last 5 years here in France, I have been rescuing feral cats that have been living & having kittens in the barns & taking a lot of time & patience to make friendly. Sadly as the cats keep getting killed I have built them a catio . I have very little income but are so passionate about helping the cats here as they are just discarded , I cant turn a blind eye. I would like to continue to raise money for food & ongoing care needs Thank you so much in advance x

Projeto apoiado

Kitty - Feral Cats In Need

Kitty - Feral Cats In Need

For the last 5 years here in France, we have been rescuing feral cats that have been living & having kittens in our barns & taking a lot of time & patience to make friendly. Sadly as the cats keep getting killed we have built them a catio . We have very little income but are so passionate about helping the cats here as they are just discarded , we cant turn a blind eye. We would like to continue to raise money for food & ongoing care needs Thank you so much in advance x

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Últimos comentários

Rachel Capocci
Rachel Capocci
Teaming Manager

22/06/2019 11:12 h

Hi Fay -ur the first teamer to join ! hopefully we can get many more and collect lots of €1's as a team for the cats :-)

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Total angariado até agora:
13 €
Doamos até agora:
13 €
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Proteção animal


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