Kittens In Distress Charity - Alicante, Spain

Kittens In Distress Charity - Alicante, Spain

33  Teamers
4.766 € recaudados

PLEASE DONATE & MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR JUST 1 EURO PER MONTH We are a registered charity, which helps cats and kittens find loving homes; giving them medical treatment, vaccinations and also neutering as many strays as possible so there will be less abandoned or killed in the future. The charity uses a personal bank account to collect donations. We rely solely on the generosity of the public to make this happen. We don't receive any funding from the local Government. PLEASE JOIN US!!

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Charity organisation

Kittens in distress

We are helping sick, blind, injured and abandoned cats and kittens in the south of Spain and are paying for all necessary vets treatments, as well as trying to find homes for them. Many times we manage to rehome them abroad.

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Teaming Manager

28/08/2017 14:00 h

Our newest adventure and rescue (there's never a dull moment, which is great!!!) is this time about a dog!!

A lady contacted another group about a dog chained up on a farm in a terrible condition. She was chained there for two years, but recently people moved out of there and the farmer comes twice a week to throw stale bread to the poor dog.

The dog has lumps all over her body and hair missing, with skin so inflamed, she has red sores everywhere. The lady gave the dog proper dog food (the first picture), but she has asked for help.

I messaged her to say that if the dog could somehow get herself off from her chain (lol), I would get some transport to take her to my vets hospital. Since my car is in the garage for repairs, I was not able to go myself, but I posted an appeal for help on my friends page, and a lovely lady called Siren and her husband, Joe, that have been supporting my charity for a long time now, offered to go and meet this lady and the dog half way. On the way back they collected me and, together with the dog - Bella, we went to the hospital.

The vet took a blood sample for testing, as it is possible that Bella has leishmania. If not this, she might have scabies and a general skin infection. She needs to have all her lumps removed, to be sterilized and her skin healed and washed. Bella is around 5 years old, has missing front teeth - probably from being malnourished.
She got antibiotic and anti inflammatory injections and a worming tablet.

Since I have nowhere to keep her, she will stay in the hospital until her results and necessary treatment is done. Then Siren and her husband have kindly offered to foster her until a home is found.

Bella was so happy and so grateful for her rescue. She was giving hugs to everyone there. It's possible she might have had puppies and that the farmer killed them, leaving her with mastitis, or because she was not sterilized, she had a phantom pregnancy, which could also result in mastitis.

Neutering is so important for the health of an animal, not only for reducing the population. I know that the farmer might bring another dog there, but this lady will feed that dog from the beginning with proper dog food and will keep an eye on him/ her.

It's such a sad life for farm dogs here. Many of them living chained up in the mountains, lonely, starving, ill with just stagnant green water to drink, rarely fed on good food and having to lie in their own mess. No interaction with people ...suffering, being eaten alive by insects and exposed to extreme weather conditions.

Thank you to the lady, who rescued her - I won't give her name for obvious reasons. Thank you for caring <3
Thank you also to Siren and Joe for your quick response and for driving there. <3

If anyone would like to help me with the bills for Bella, please send a donation (no matter how big or small as it all helps) to:
ES11 2100 7765 0521 0001 6031 / CAIXESBBXXX (Spain)

One more innocent victim at the hands of human ignorance has been saved.

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Brygida Kennedy
Brygida Kennedy
Teaming Manager

24/06/2020 07:39 h

Please check all new posts on Kittens in distress fb page, or follow us on Instagram.

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Brygida Kennedy
Brygida Kennedy
Teaming Manager

03/10/2016 18:56 h

Please all Team members, share the link to get more people. There are many cats and kittens that always need veterinary care and hospitalisation. Thank you.

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
4.766 €
Ya hemos donado:
4.733 €
Vamos a donar:
33 €
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Tipo de Grupo

Defensa de los animales



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