Kitchen in a Box: Nourishing the future

Kitchen in a Box: Nourishing the future

34  Teamers
86 € raccolto

In El Salvador, over a thousand boys and girls lack access to healthy school meals. Their school kitchen operates on wood, which is highly polluting and extends the food preparation time to about 4 hours. By converting a maritime container into a fully equipped kitchen powered by solar energy, we will ensure they receive proper nutrition, improve their health, and focus on their studies, thus providing them with better opportunities for the future.

Progetto che sosteniamo

Kitchen in a Box

Logística Humanitaria Europa Foundation in partnership with WFP

We need 36,500€ to acquire, modify, and adapt the shipping container (7,000€), purchase equipment for food preparation and refrigeration (6,000€), kitchen utensils (1,500€), smoke extractors (2,000€), sinks (1,500€), solar panels and inverters (7,000€), rainwater collection systems (3,000€), hire technical assistance (1,500€), technical staff (3,500€), training for cooks, families, and students (2,000€), and cover implementation and operation expenses for the school garden (1,500€). We are excited to think that, once we achieve this fundraising goal, more than a thousand boys and girls in El Salvador will finally have a healthy environment to eat, nutritious meals to enjoy, and better knowledge in health and nutrition.

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Sandra Aivar Carrión
Teaming Manager

16/07/2024 10:38 h

El proyecto Kitchen in a Box sigue su curso, avanzando con la transformación del contenedor marítimo en cocina e involucrando a las familias que son parte de la comunidad escolar en los planes de formación. Lamentablemente, y por motivos personales, desde la Fundación Logística Humanitaria Europa hemos decidido poner fin a nuestras acciones. Por este motivo estamos cerrando las plataformas de recaudación de donaciones, como Teaming. Una vez obtengamos los fondos, se transferirán al proyecto Kitchen in a Box de El Salvador, porque aunque nosotros ya no participemos directamente en él, la iniciativa continuará desarrollándose gracias al liderazgo del equipo de WFP.

A partir de ahora ya no os cobrarán el euro mensual.

Agradecemos enormemente vuestra confianza y esperamos que sigáis apoyando otras iniciativas tan necesarias para la transformación social y la consecución de los ODS. ¡Hasta pronto!

Irene, Eduard y Sandra.

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Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
86 €
Fino ad ora abbiamo donato:
86 €
Elenco dei contributi


Data di pubblicazione

Creato da
Fundación Logística Humanitaria Europa

Tipo di gruppo

Bambini e ragazzi
Cooperazione internazionale



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