Teaming Manager di 1 Gruppi
Teamer in 3 Gruppi
Dona ogni mese: 3 € a 3 Gruppi
Da 09-01-2020 ha contribuito 246 €
Teaming Manager dal: 09/01/2020
Diese Gruppe unterstützt maria Cristine Rizea in Rumänien Sie hat einen privaten shelter mit fast 400 Sie fährt jeden Tag futterstellen der Straßenhunde an und geht jeden Tag in den tötungsshelter um futter, Medis zu bringen und dort soviel wie möglich rauszuholen
Teamer da: 10/05/2020
Hope for future e.V. supports the romanian animal rescuer Maria Cristina Rizea. She's dedicating her whole life to the rescue and care of animals in romania. She offers in her private shelter a home for around 400 dogs and a few cats, found abandoned,laying hurt in front of her shelter, rescued from kill shelters, she's feeding stray dogs and dogs in public shelters.She saved countless lifes and found for many dogs a home abroad from romania.
Teamer da: 08/04/2022
The Benjamín Mehnert Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to the situation of pet animals that suffer abuse or neglect in our country, focusing mainly on the rescue, recovery and relocation of greyhounds in family homes, providing them a new opportunity as pets. Although mainly we are dedicated to the recovery of greyhounds, currently in our refuge live more than 700 animals...
Teamer da: 08/05/2024
We neuter and rescue dogs in Romania, in Faget, Sighisoara and Lugoj. The biggest challenge this year is to buy a castration vehicle, only then will there be fewer dogs on the streets .. A dedicated veterinarian will drive from village to village with it and many dogs neuter and educate the population how important it is. We drive feed dog kennels and food to Romania about 4 weeks a week. thank you for your help