Kinderhilfe für Siebenbürgen e.V. - Wir helfen Kindern in Rumänien

Kinderhilfe für Siebenbürgen e.V. - Wir helfen Kindern in Rumänien

477  Teamers
643 € raccolto

We have been helping children and families in Romania for over 20 years. This is a project mix of family support, 7 children's homes with a total of 54 children, 3 afternoon programs with 170 children and construction programs to improve living conditions. We help where the need is greatest... directly and unbureaucratically with food, building materials, educational support and medical problems. No child should go hungry, no child should be forgotten. Symbol „Von der Community überprüft“

Progetto che sosteniamo

Hilfe für Kinder in Rumänien

Kinderhilfe für Siebenbürgen e.V.

A total of 54 children live in 7 houses in our children's homes. These are children who can no longer live in their families because of violence, sexual violence and/or neglect. With loving care and the best possible support, every child should have the chance to experience a happy childhood in order to be able to shape their own future life. We understand education in a broad sense. In addition to school, there are many projects in which the children learn practical things, but also do sports, make music and dance.

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Gabriela Ristow-Leetz
Gabriela Ristow-Leetz

16/09/2024 17:57 h

Danke für den wundervollen Beitrag auf dem „The Power of one“ Event liebe Jenny, Bitte unterstützt diese Mega Aktion für die Kinderhilfe Siebenbürgen auf Teaming.1€ ist für den einzelnen wenig, doch wenn viele mitmachen, für die Kinder soo groß.

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Margarete  Crimmann
Margarete Crimmann

12/09/2024 06:33 h

Mit lieben Grüßen von Margarete! :)

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