Jaén, Spain
Teamer in 2 Groups
Since 03-11-2018 has contributed €50
Teamer since: 03/11/2018
Our fight is daily for animal welfare, if you follow us through the Social Networks and you will see it every day, we help unconditionally and altruistically to change the lives of some abandoned and rescued animals and especially mistreated in Jaén. The most important thing is to see the result, and those little eyes that speak to you and say: Got! and to get that word, without you, it is not possible. So once again THANK YOU !!! For leaving your mark.
Teamer since: 15/09/2022
Con esta aportación ayudas a que podamos equipar los nuevos centros UAPO que se vayan abriendo. En UAPO, los pacientes con cáncer pueden recibir tratamiento complementario e integral entre médico, fisioterapeuta, psicóloga, nutricionista y preparador físico de forma individualizada. ¡Vuestra ayuda es imprescindible! ¡Gracias! www.fundacionuapo.org Whatsapp Nieves: 744476047