Teaming Manager since: 20/11/2024
Hello teaming colleagues, As we all know, sadly in the Valencian Community they are living very difficult times and all the help they receive will be little. It occurs to me to donate the €1230 we currently have. The donation should be made to an institution, association, ngo, etc. that we trust and we make sure that the money really goes to those people who have lost everything. I have seen that the Red Cross has enabled an account to raise as much as possible for this
Teaming Manager since: 06/12/2024
Hola me llamo jonathan, y quisiera porfavor pediros un favor muy grande me da verguenza tener que hacerlo pero necesito ayuda economica porfavor se que no es vuestro problema pero no me ceden las becas para la universidad y estoy desesperado necesito estudiar derecho penal es mi vida e ilusion os importaria donarme 1€ solo ? Os lo devolvere muy agradecido porfavor no se trata de una estafa ni mucho menos pero me han despedido por falta de trabajo en un bar y no encuentro trabajo
Teamer since: 31/10/2024
At Teaming, more than 400,000 people Change Lives with €1 a month. For more than 10 years we have been helping all kinds of social causes to get financial help completely free of charge and constantly. Together we have raised more than 60 million euros and, as long as social causes need us, we will continue to support them. With this Teaming Foundation Group we make it possible. Will you join us?