Javier Beltran

Javier Beltran

Castellón, Spanien

Teamer in 2 Gruppen

Seit 12-02-2017 gespendet: 55 €

Mitglied in folgenden Gruppen


10.204 € Gespendet

130 Teamer

Teamer seit:  18/02/2017

Adopta una Vida. Perros en Adopción

Asociación protectora de animales en Castellon; nos dedicamos al rescate, socializacion, rehabilitacion y adopcion de animales abandonados. Asociación sin animo de lucro y por el bien de los animales. Unete y ayudanos con tu pequeña aportación, que para nosotros es mucha. www.adoptarunperrocastellon.com

10.730 € Gespendet

183 Teamer

Teamer seit:  14/09/2017


We are volunteers from a kennel in Castellón, who take care of feeding them, vaccinating those we can, deworming them, taking out the sick or injured when They come in. We also buy them beds so that they can lie on them when it's cold and above all, pay their bills when they need a lot of help. We also help those on the street, because anyone who needs help deserves a chance. Thank you so much for helping.