Teamer desde: 01/02/2021
Fundación Santuario Gaia es un centro vegano de rescate y recuperación para animales considerados de granja, donde los que han sido explotados, maltratados o abandonados, reciben los cuidados necesarios para que tengan una vida digna por el resto de sus vidas. Situado en Camprodon (Girona) en pleno Pirineo, rodeado de bosques, ríos y montañas. Conoce a los habitantes del Santuario aquí:
Teamer desde: 01/02/2021
George Orfanidis has been rescuing animals in Crete, Greece for 25 years. He has around 120 dogs at his shelter. George often takes disabled animals or those requiring expensive surgery or with an ongoing need for medication for diseases such as leishmaniasis, who might otherwise struggle to find the safety of a shelter and are hard to find homes for. With George they find safety and love. We are on Facebook and Instagram Facebook link -
Teamer desde: 05/02/2021
Maria Fragkouli lives in Ierapetra on Crete and takes devoted care of stray dogs and cats. Maria currently has more than 75 dogs and about 25 cats in her garden and in her apartment in Dog Village, the new shelter. She also takes care of many other street animals and provides them with food and, if necessary, takes them to the veterinarian. Maria urgently needs our support in caring for the street animals. Please help. The animals need food, med. Care, neutering etc. and a loving home.
Teamer desde: 05/05/2021
We, the Galgo Project Foundation, support the Huellas Puertollano shelter. This is a private shelter in Spain with one mission, to find new homes for dogs and cats that have been left to fend for themselves.
Teamer desde: 06/05/2021
Vaso has a shelter in her home town of Gargalianoi Greece about 70 km from Kalamata where she cares and protects for 60 dogs and 28 cats in her shelter and the strays in her town. She has been rescuing Greek animals for nearly 20 years. She struggles to meet the daily costs for food and medicines let alone vet care . These animals have all been saved from the streets many pregnant or abused in unspeakable ways or as puppies Teaming will help Vaso meet some of their needs.
Teamer desde: 14/05/2021
Hoope es una asociación de bienestar animal que rescata, cuida y busca hogar a animales abandonados. Contamos con dos centros en Madrid, un CPA municipal y un santuario en el que viven diversos animales, como burros, caballos, perros, gatos, conejos, cabras, cerdos, gallinas, patos, ovejas... Así mismo, desde Hoope vamos un paso más allá y realizamos proyectos de ayuda a personas en riesgo de exclusión social, porque queremos cuidar ese vínculo esencial que nos une y nos hace más fuertes.
Teamer desde: 16/03/2022
Somos una asociación de rescate animal con jaula trampa de Valencia. La mayoría de perros que rescatamos, no se dejan coger, y están en un estado de abandono absoluto,incluso muchos de ellos con claros signos de maltrato. No tenemos Refugio, y llevamos a nuestros peques a una residencia canina, que hay que pagar todos lo meses por cada uno,más su alimentación, veterinario y lo que necesiten.No recibimos ningún tipo de ayuda ni de subvención. Nos ayudas a rescatar y seguir salvando vidas?
Teamer desde: 15/07/2022
We are an animal shelter rescuing strays and abandoned animals in the island of Crete. We have been providing food, shelter, medical care, neutering and adoptions for almost 20 years. We currently care for around 200 dogs and 80 cats. We rely solely on donations and receive no government funding. You can follow our work and get to know our animals on both YouTube and Facebook, just search for Jutta shelter. Our motto is All animals deserve a beautiful life!
Teamer desde: 13/01/2023
En Teaming, más de 380.000 personas Cambiamos Vidas con 1€ al mes. Llevamos más de 10 años ayudando a todo tipo de causas sociales a conseguir ayuda económica de forma totalmente gratuita y constante. Junt@s hemos sumado más de 50 millones de euros y, mientras las causas sociales nos necesiten, seguiremos a su lado. Con este Grupo de la Fundación Teaming lo hacemos posible. ¿Te unes?
Teamer desde: 22/03/2023
Asociación para ayudar a los animales, defenderles del maltrato y conseguirles un hogar.
Teamer desde: 25/07/2023
ROLDA is a small charity supported internationally that helps abused, neglected, abandoned dogs in one of the poorest regions in Romania. ROLDA built and runs two private shelters which are a home for approx 700 dogs and a donkey. We are in process to finish a sanctuary for disabled and senior cats. ROLDA also runs social programs for underprivileged dog owners. Since the war started in Ukraine, we are active supporting a dozen of local rescuers busy to save animals from battle zones.
Teamer desde: 29/11/2024
Protectora SAT Animal Rescue, or ‘SAT’ as it is usually known, is a voluntary organisation and registered charity rescuing and re-homing stray and abandoned dogs in the Alicante province. In January 2024 we moved to our new kennels at San Isidro, which provides much better accommodation for our dogs, but we still need to raise more funds to complete the project. We get no government funding and rely solely on donations and income from our shops.