Teamer depuis : 27/10/2023
Torrevieja's Pleading Eyes shelter is located near Los Montesinos, Spain, and is run by Susanne Nowak. Every day in Spain many dogs fight for survival in the killing stations or in the multiplier. Many of these animals are rescued from this hell, nursed, medically treated and placed in loving hands. All this can only be financially supported by your help, because the shelter is financed almost exclusively by donations.
Teamer depuis : 09/04/2024
Animalistas Torrevieja is a protective (NGO) that looks after the welfare of animals. Our funding is through the events we do and with this we take care of the animals we have, both ourselves and in foster homes. external cases or even a residence in case we are overwhelmed. We are trying to spread the word so that more and more donors can help our cause. Thank you for your support!
Teamer depuis : 26/01/2025
Hola! Somos una pequeña protectora de la Región de Murcia, la cual no podemos mirar hacia otro lado. No decimos nunca que no a ningún caso, no nos importa cuán difícil sea, todos tienen la misma oportunidad de vivir felices y encontrar una familia donde los quieran. Nunca tiramos la toalla por ningún peludo, ellos y vosotros sois nuestro motor. Por eso necesitamos un poquito de ayuda. Para seguir atendiendo esos casos complicados. Echa una patica❤️