Water is life! In Malawi, Africa, many villagers lack access to this essential resource. Women and children must walk kilometers daily to find water. My project aims to bring water to remote villages in Malawi, one of the world's poorest countries, where people live on less than a dollar a day. Building a well brings life and hope. Since 2015, I've built 119 wells that serve over 67,000 people in Malawian villages. Every €1 donation counts!
Lacqua è vita! E in Malawi, Africa, questo bene prezioso è spesso irraggiungibile per le moltissime persone che vivono nei villaggi. Questo costringe donne e bambini a percorrere molti km al giorno per arrivare alla fonte dacqua più vicina. Il mio progetto vuole portare lacqua nei villaggi più remoti del Malawi, uno dei paesi più poveri del mondo, dove si vive con meno di un dollaro al giorno. La costruzione di un pozzo porta vita, salute e speranza! Ogni goccia da 1€ vale! Grazie
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Hello Teamers,
I want to update you about the progress of our activities.
During this summer we did a lot of work in Malawi building 25 new boreholes in the remotest villages of this beautiful country.
This allowed us to reach an important milestone of our project: 100th borehole built since 2015.
In the picture you can see it, the biggest borehole we built so far to celebrate: one 5.000 liter tank with taps for all the village.
But we didn't stop! The total of borehole built so far are 119 for more than 67,000 people than can now have access to clean and safe water.
Thanks everyone to continue to support of with Teaming and... let's spread the word to you friends!
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Internationale Kooperation
Kinder und Jugend
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