Hotdogdr dog rescue

Hotdogdr dog rescue

4  Teamers
21 € récoltés

Our story: We are a small dog resque center, located in Los Brazos, 20 minutes from Cabarete, in the Dominican Republic. Our task is helping streetdogs in need, both on the streets and as a rehabilitation center, for some of the worse cases. The little center is run by Kristina (Denmark), who have been living on the island for 5 years. Her passion for our furry friends, brought her to buy a small piece of land, with the dream of helping dogs, in a country without a law system for animals.

Actualisations du Groupe

Kristina Ellemand jensen
Teaming Manager

22/05/2024 12:01 h

At the moment we are working on neuterprogram, vaccines and titertests, please consider to support our mission

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