Hope for horses e.V.

Hope for horses e.V.

8  Teamers
142 € recaudados

We are a non-profit organization. We rescue horses and donkeys, they are traumatized, half-starved or injured horses. With us, these poor souls are allowed to arrive first, are looked after by a veterinarian and are lovingly nursed back to health. We urgently need donations. Therefore the request to all animal lovers: Support us! There are about 38 rescue horses in our sanctuary. Very few are employable and these poor souls get their bread of mercy from us

Destinamos la recaudación a:

Für Rettungspferde in Portugal

hope for horses e.V.

Wir retten Pferde aus schlechten Haltungen in Portugal. Päppeln diese auf, sichern tierärztliche Versorgung und suchen dann ein gutes zu Hause

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
142 €
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