home for horses e.V.

home for horses e.V.

23  Teamers
970 € recaudados

We have a sanctuary in the beautiful Hunsrück area in Germany. We take care of school horses that are too old for working in the riding arena. These horses often work until they are too old or get severe health issues . Then they either get sold, or land up at the slaughterhouse. We feel that especially these horses deserve to have a few more worthy years among friends. For more details checkout our website: www.home-for-horses.de ps: We are an official and registered charity NGO in Germany! :)

Destinamos la recaudación a:

helping our homies

We are a registered charity NGO in Germany

We save and take care of former school horses, as well as horses with handicaps. The costs per month are currently €1600,- We get only €275,- in donations per month. The rest we pay out of our own pockets. That is the reason why we currently cant take over any more animals. Help us pay our monthly bills, and we can use our money to start new projects, save more animals and always keep fighting for animal rights!

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Sonja v.d.Broek
Sonja v.d.Broek
Teaming Manager

17/04/2020 07:05 h

Thanks to all teamers that support us we are able to fund various mini projects. We ordered fence material and the farmers around gave us beautiful meadows where our horses can roam and enjoy life.
Our next project is fencing an area for our piggy family. We have decided to fence in a part of our meadow that has trees and bushes and even a little creek running through it. a paradise for piglets. Please spread the news, and help us find more teamers to finance this project! <3 Thank you

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
970 €
Ya hemos donado:
970 €
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Ayuda a enfermos
Defensa de los animales


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