Teaming manager de 1 Grupos
Teamer de 2 Grupos
Cada mes aporta: 3 € a 3 Grupos
Desde el 03-10-2019 ha aportado 142 €
Teaming Manager desde: 21/12/2019
ANIDORA Animal Rescue is a non-profit organisation based in Zalau (Romania), made up of a few people want to save abandoned animals. Our main activities are animal rescue (especially dogs) and neutering. We have a 'shelter' for which we pay a monthly rent. We rescue abandoned dogs from the streets, from the woods, even from the public shelter, to save from a death sentence. The animals we rescue all need a new life and finding forever homes for them is always a struggle.
Teamer desde: 03/10/2019
To donate 1€ a month, please sign up with an e-mail address and a credit card. Your bank will withdraw the equivalent of 1€, monthly. There is no commission, all transactions are encrypted and thus secure. Pentru a deveni microdonator TAC, vă creați un cont, cu o adresă de e-mail și datele unui card bancar, o singură dată. Banca dvs. va retrage lunar echivalentul a 1 euro/4,9 lei, fără să mai fie nevoie să reveniți aici. Orice nelămurire:
Teamer desde: 02/12/2021
The animal welfare organisation Ein Herz für Streuner e.V. looks after around 1,500 dogs and cats in the northern Romanian cities of Bistrita, Baia Mare, Zalau, Fantanele, Busag and Cluj. Our vision is a Romania free of animal suffering and our mission is to create livable conditions for dogs and cats and to advocate for their needs. Our core tasks are - Improve conditions on the ground - animal rescue - spay & neuter - Empathy and education