Let's make epilepsy visible, let's break the stigma

Let's make epilepsy visible, let's break the stigma

13  Teamers
1.055 € gesammelt

Mar de Somnis is an association helping children and young people with epilepsy and their families through leisure, cultural and informative activities. We organize summer camps and weekends for them, where, through recreational and artistic activities, we provide them moments of relaxation and fun in a safe environment, helping them to be independent. We also hold information sessions to give visibility to this disease and break the stigma that surrounds it.

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Epilepsy - Let's make it visible, let's break the stigma

Mar de Somnis

Mar de Somnis is an association helping children and young people with epilepsy and their families through leisure, cultural and informative activities. We organize summer camps and weekends for them, where, through recreational and artistic activities, we provide them moments of relaxation and fun in a safe environment, helping them to be independent. We also hold information sessions to give visibility to this disease and break the stigma that surrounds it.

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Letzte Kommentare

Martín Pica Fernández
Martín Pica Fernández

28/08/2022 18:22 h

Buenas, mi nombre es Martín, técnico de AFEDE (Asociación de Familiares y Enfermos de Epilepsia), desde nuestra asociación queremos manifestar una gran admiración y agradecimiento hacia vuestra labor, todo lo que se haga para visibilizar la epilepsia es de gran ayuda para dar a conocer esta gran enfermedad tan desconocida por la sociedad.
Nosotros también tenemos un grupo de Teaming y agradeceríamos mucho si quisierais ayudarnos.
¡Muchas gracias!

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Bis heute haben wir gesammelt:
1.055 €
Wir haben bisher bereits gespendet:
750 €
Wir werden spenden:
305 €
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Datum der Veröffentlichung

Hilfe für Kranke
Kinder und Jugend



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