Esperanza Group: on the front line for invisible and forgotten dogs

Esperanza Group: on the front line for invisible and forgotten dogs

56  Teamers
518 € recaudados

They have no one, they only have us. Forgotten, invisible dogs, who grow and die in everyone's indifference, in a kennel cage. Our project was born in July 2022, and with it Asteria was reborn, after 12 years of imprisonment. After her we saved 6 other dogs, all with a sad story behind them, now happily loved ❤️ The funds raised are used to support the expenses of the pension where we take these souls. For every 150 teamers we can guarantee one month's pension


Giulia De Marco
Giulia De Marco
Teaming Manager

06/07/2024 15:24 h

Debbie, la cagnolona che ha commosso tutta Italia... grazie al Gruppo ora vive in una pensione immersa nel verde, con uneducatrice che la supporta nel suo lungo percorso ❤️

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Susanna Facenda
Susanna Facenda

26/06/2024 10:31 h

Buongiorno,sono donatrice teamer e vorrei sapere la storia di Asteria. È la cagnolina in foto tristissima? So che e stata adottata ,sta bene ? Grazie Susanna

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
518 €
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Fecha de publicación

Defensa de los animales


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