Teaming Manager desde: 29/07/2019
Vegan activists group. We rescue non-human animals from all kinds of abuse, exploitation or situations that require it, whatever their species. We welcome, care, heal, and look for happy and responsible homes. We face all the expenses with our own means, since we do not obtain any subsidy from any institution. If you want to collaborate and help us continue saving lives, subscribe to our teaming account. By and for them.
Teaming Manager desde: 08/08/2023
Somos el hogar de muchos guerreros que han superado y estan intentando superar enfermedades graves. Hemos tratado a Sunset y Conor, gatitos con PIF que lo han superado y ahora estamos tratando un tercer caso de PIF. Tenemos gatitos con enfermedades cronicas que necesitan tratamiento de por vida. Nos ayudas para que podamos seguir dandoles la calidad de vida que se merecen?
Teamer desde: 20/01/2021
Hi! My name is Gaby and I am a kitty rescuer. Gato Garden was born from my deap love of animals. I rescue, foster and find loving forever homes for street kitties, specialising in neonate and disabled kitties. Your donations help cover vet costs, medical supplies, food, kitten milk, TNR and so much more! Thanks to your contribution, so many lives have been saved and I can continue to help cats in need! Follow all of my adorable fosters on Instagram: @gato_garden Many kitty hugs and purrs!
Teamer desde: 21/01/2022
"Many small people, in small places, doing small things, can change the world" Will you join us? We need you! You can follow us on Instagram where you can learn about our work, the felines that I have for adoption, their stories, and you will also have valuable information available to know and understand your feline better. I and the felines need you! Thank you for your support
Teamer desde: 10/08/2023
¿Nos ayudas a ayudar? La PIF o peritonitis infecciosa felina ya tiene cura, lo que pasa es que es muy costosa y larga, lo que hace que muchos se queden sin posibilidades económicas para afrontar el tratamiento. En este grupo queremos ayudar a todos esos "Pifitos" a que puedan superar la enfermedad. Está conformado por "madres y padres" de pacientes que ya superaron o están superando la enferemedad. ¡Qué ningún gatito se quede sin tratamiento!