Galgo Project

Galgo Project

477  Teamers
23.990 € raccolto

We, the Galgo Project Foundation, support the Huellas Puertollano shelter. This is a private shelter in Spain with one mission, to find new homes for dogs and cats that have been left to fend for themselves.

Progetto che sosteniamo

Galgo Project

Galgo Project

We, the Galgo Project Foundation, support the Shelter Huellas Puertollano in Spain. This is a private shelter in Spain with one mission, to find new homes for dogs and cats that have been left to fend for themselves. Our goal of Teaming is to bring together as many Teamers as possible. The proceeds of the Teaming money will go to: veterinary costs, medication, pet supplies, dog and cat food, maintenance of the shelter such as electricity, water, cleaning, etc. Would you also like to contribute? Then become a Teaming member. What is Teaming? Every month, €1 is debited from your bank account in the first week. With many Teamers, that €1 amounts to a nice monthly amount that can help us as a Foundation enormously. Thank you from us and all four-legged friends P.S. Cancellation is possible monthly.

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Progressi del Gruppo

francis weezenbeek
francis weezenbeek
Teaming Manager

29/06/2024 13:31 h

Lieve dierenvrienden,
We zitten momenteel op de 459 Teamers, hoe mooi is dit!
Voor slechts 1 euro per maand helpen!! Ik zou zeggen stuur het door naar je familie en vrienden en wie weet halen we snel de 1000 Teamers!
Hoe meer Teamers hoe beter!

Ontzettend bedankt voor jullie steun!

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philippe murcia
philippe murcia

02/02/2023 08:02 h

mon compt bancaire piraté donc opposition d'ici 3ou 4 jour nouvelle carte désolé vous pourrez rééssayer
phil murcia

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francis weezenbeek
francis weezenbeek
Teaming Manager

09/01/2023 15:11 h

Lieve dierenvrienden,

Inmiddels hebben 358 Teamers... hoe geweldig is dit!

Ons doel van Teaming is om zoveel mogelijk Teamers bij elkaar te krijgen.
Van de opbrengst van Teaming zouden we graag 1 of 2 dagen 1 betaald iemand willen inhuren bij beide opvangcentrums. Ze komen namelijk handen tekort en het is heel moeilijk om geschikte vrijwilligers te vinden in de buurt. Het overige Teaming geld zal gaan naar dierenartskosten, medicatie, voer en allerlei andere dieren benodigdheden.

We hopen echt dit te kunnen gaan realiseren.

Dank jullie allen voor jullie bijdrage.

Diervriendelijke groet,
Francis Weezenbeek

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Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
23.990 €
Fino ad ora abbiamo donato:
23.525 €
Cifra raccolta per il progetto
465 €
Elenco dei contributi


Data di pubblicazione

Difesa degli animali


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