Teamer desde: 23/03/2021
I The 33 old and sick dogs and cats adopted en bloc six years ago, on a day of ordinary madness, made me start a dream and in the 30 strays encountered along the way, derelict and abandoned, made me believe in that dream. Now I want to continue to dream and my angels on earth and in heaven, animals and people, are holding out my hand.
Teamer desde: 02/04/2021
Sono un Veterinario e a Catanzaro gestisco una piccola associazione che si occupa di gatti randagi feriti, malati e disabili. Li curiamo e restano con noi finché non trovano una casa adatta. Di solito abbiamo in media 80/90 ospiti. SEGUITECI su tiktok come @lillypullanoveterinario o in pagina fb. Il teaming è l'unico aiuto che abbiamo per salvarli♥️
Teamer desde: 09/11/2021
Il Rifugio del Micio es una organización sin ánimo de lucro,activa gracias al trabajo de los voluntarios que participan en ella, cuyos objetivos son la protección de los gatos que viven en libertad y la prevención de los animales felinos vagabundos.
Teamer desde: 06/12/2021
A. Agrigento, is a voluntary association created to save 4 legs in difficulty operating in a difficult territory like that of Sicily where abandonment, mistreatment and straying are a very strong scourge. With your support you will allow us to move forward to fulfill the commitments already made with our guests that we have in charge, awaiting adoption, in the structures both in the north and at the refuge here in Sicily and to give voice to many more souls as possible .
Teamer desde: 18/01/2022
Il Rifugio Hope nasce nel 2012, raccogliamo e salviamo ogni anno dalla strada centinaia di cani e gatti in gravi condizioni. Il nostro Rifugio ospita in particolar modo animali disabili, malati, anziani e cuccioli. Possiamo permetterci le loro cure solo grazie alle donazioni.
Teamer desde: 18/03/2022
Este es un Santuario de ayuda a caballos maltratados y/o abandonados y otros seres vivos.En el Santuario viven: 60 caballos,3 burros, 1 poni y otros animales que os necesitan. El gasto aproximado por caballo al mes es de 120 euros, eso si está bien de salud, si no, se dispara muchas veces a cientos de euros. Ten en cuenta que no recibimos ayudas o subvenciones, sólo te tenemos a ti para seguir. Para quien pueda hacer alguna aportacion extra:Num de cta ES89 2100 1277 8113 0027 3677 Caixabank.
Teamer desde: 14/06/2022
Nanni D‘Amato lives in a small flat with about 30 cats. It got quite crowded there lately. Now he got the chance to move to a piece of land, where he and the cats will find a secure and peaceful place to life. Additionally Nanni feeds and treats 30+ strays and injured cats around the haven of Porticello, where he lives. Lets help him with a fixed monthly support of only 1€ per person.