Gabi Engels

Gabi Engels


Teamer in 5 Groups

Groups supported


€3,962 Raised

62 Teamers

Teamer since:  05/11/2019

Tier-Refugium Wegberg e.V.

Wir sind ein Lebenshof, Tierschutzverein und eine Wildtierhilfe. Unser Ziel ist es Haus-, Nutz-, und Wildtieren in Not eine Zuflucht zu bieten. Verwaisten, verletzten oder kranken Wildtieren dienen wir als Auffangstation mit tierärztlicher Behandlung, Päppelung oder Aufzucht. Gesunde Tiere werden wieder ausgewildert. Herrenlose Katzen werden versorgt und kastriert. Wir finanzieren uns ausschließlich durch Spenden, Paten- und Mitgliedschaften.

€7,255 Raised

176 Teamers

Teamer since:  12/11/2021

Callejeritos de Benidorm

Somos una gran familia de gatos, con nuestros más y menos, y necesitamos comer, además de cuidados veterinarios. Tenemos a una mami que no nos deja nunca pase lo que pase, hasta podemos entrar en su Chozita si llueve. Nos lleva al vete, nos esteriliza, nos cuida... A cambio, le ofrecemos todo el amor que tenemos dentro, porque sabemos que le hace falta. Somos sus hijos, y la queremos con locura infinita!!!!!

€11,034 Raised

196 Teamers

Teamer since:  15/06/2022


A Espanya s'abandonen més de 150.000 animals cada any, la majoria de les entitats de protecció animal no tenen refugi, ajuda a les que mantenim un refugi assumint totes les despeses i obrint els 365 dies de l'any, assegura a on va el teu euro. Amb només 1€ al mes pots col•laborar en les despeses del refugi, nòmines, veterinaris, menjar, llum, aigua, vehicle, assegurances...un refugi no és només donar menjar...a través de la plataforma Teaming, només has d'unir-te al nostre grup.

€503,154 Raised

14,206 Teamers

Teamer since:  11/10/2023

Teamers 4 Teaming

We help more than thousands of social causes to make their projects possible every day. Since we launched Teaming, we have raised more than 50 Million of Euros for them, totally free of commissions. We have created this Teaming Group to help Teaming Foundation to keep helping others with this platform. Among other supports, thanks to the Teamers of this Group, Teaming is totally free. Our dream: to be self-sustaining because of this Group. Would you like to join us?

€77,446 Raised

2,265 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/10/2024

Kitten Safe House e.V.

Daniela Knezevic and Nadine Bartel lead the Kitten Safe House. They usually take on injured street cats, kitten thrown into the trash or abandoned cats. Try to look after them well and give them in good hands. They also look after feeding sites and catches the cats for castration. There are at least 60 cats in her house, all of whom need food, medicines, cat litter and medical care. This all costs money, you can help us to support Daniela and her crew!