Furry luck Bali

Furry luck Bali

6  Teamers
160 € recaudados

Furry Luck Bali is an association registered in Switzerland. - In our shelter we want to give the sick animals the chance to recover physically and mentally. Not only the animals in our shelter should be doing better but also the animals that fight for survival every day on the streets. We also take care that these street animals. In addition to their daily meals, we are making sure they also vaccinated and castrated or sterilized.

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our animal shelter in Bali

Safe the Bali dogs

In our shelter we want to give the sick animals the chance to recover physically and mentally. Not only the animals in our shelter should be doing better but also the animals that fight for survival every day on the streets. We also take care that these street animals. In addition to their daily meals, we are making sure they also vaccinated and castrated or sterilized. Unfortunately, here in Indonesia female dogs are not very welcome and therefore many of them are abandoned on the street. Many people here simply cannot afford to pay to neuter the animals.

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
160 €
Ya hemos donado:
130 €
Vamos a donar:
30 €
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Fecha de publicación

Defensa de los animales


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