Friends of Argos Animal Sanctuary

Friends of Argos Animal Sanctuary

2  Teamers
473 € recaudados

This group supports the 200 plus abused and abandoned dogs and cats of the Argos Animal Sanctuary in Cyprus . Caring for their needs and helping them move forward into loving forever homes

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Friends of Argos Animal Sanctuary

The Argos Animal sanctuary, Cyprus

The shelter is home to over 200 abused and abandoned cats and dogs. We offer a lifeline from the streets and onward into loving forever homes

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Stella Stylianou
Stella Stylianou
Teaming Manager

22/02/2017 15:36 h

Dear Teamers
Sorry for the delay in posting. But for the past few months we have waited quietly for the funds to grow and all your one euros have been gradually adding up and we have 141 in the bank. This may not seem like a lot to you but this could mean the difference between an animal getting vital treatment or not . Vet bills are one of our largest expenses and we would love to update you soon on how this money has been spent
Thank you as always Stella

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Últimos comentarios

Stella Stylianou
Stella Stylianou
Teaming Manager

11/03/2016 15:54 h

We are loving the fact that so many of you are posting profile photos with your pets ...lovely to see

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Stella Stylianou
Stella Stylianou
Teaming Manager

11/03/2016 15:53 h

Thank you to all of you that have already joined our teaming group. Please continue to spread the word amongst your friends by inviting them to join....together we will make a difference !

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
473 €
Ya hemos donado:
469 €
Vamos a donar:
4 €
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