Françoise Vranken


Teamer de 4 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 4 € para 4 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 03-08-2016 contribuiu 438 €

Grupos de que participa


2 390 € Arrecadados

18 Teamers

Teamer desde:  20/02/2017

Hondenopvang de Pannehoeve

We are a Dutch foundation who take care of the dogs van from Spain and Holland. In Spain we help the dogs from Cuenca, Albacete and the shelters of Asoka. We try to give them a new home. But we can't do it on our own. We need you with this. At the moment we have about 40 dogs who are looking for a new home. But they all need food and when its requierd they also have to go to a vet. So you understand, we need help. Please join our teaming. So we can all help together.

422 € Arrecadados

4 Teamers

Teamer desde:  27/10/2017

Mattie's Dream

Mattie's Dream is an organisation that tries to help Romanian and Bosnian dogs in need to find that perfect home forever. They are a small group and they depend on donations. So lets help them to give lost dogs a second chance.

851 € Arrecadados

142 Teamers

Teamer desde:  10/04/2024

Lola y su Manada

Llevamos 3 años sacando perros de la perrera, de las calles,... Curamos, vacunamos, esterilizamos, damos amor, cariño y cuándo ya están listos, buscamos adopción responsable para ellos. Soy particular y todos los gastos son pagados por manualidades que hago, donaciones, mi sueldo,.. Necesitamos ayuda para poder seguir ayudandolos. Colaboro con muchas asociaciones y particulares ofreciendo ayuda casa vez que puedo, todo esto es más fácil con ayuda. Por favor ayúdalos por 1€ al mes, mil gracias

1 357 € Arrecadados

94 Teamers

Teamer desde:  20/05/2024

Asociación Unidad de Protección, Rescate y Defensa Animal

Animal Protection, Rescue and Defense Unit Malaga Association in charge of finding adopters of animals (mainly dogs) and saving and defending them from helpless situations. We do not receive aid and we need money for vaccines, food, veterinarians etc. We also control cat colonies, advise and raise awareness about animal protection and defense. Any help is welcome as we are an association that does not receive aid