Murcia, Espanha
Teamer de 13 Grupos
Contribui mensalmente: 13 € para 13 Grupos/projetos sociais
Desde 16-12-2015 contribuiu 987 €
Teamer desde: 16/12/2015
Gombe was found in a garbage can when he was a baby and has always suffered from adjustment problems with his kind due to suffering from a rare neurological disease: Alien Hand Syndrome. This disease is degenerative, and requires several daily medications, such as antiepileptics and tranquilizers, which will increase throughout his life, to control these crises and improve his quality of life. The cost of all the medication is €200/month. Will you help us so that Gombe does not suffer?
Teamer desde: 16/12/2015
Rainfer houses more than 100 primates that have suffered mistreatment, abandonment, loneliness and lack of basic care for many years. They cannot be returned to their home areas, their lives have been stolen, so we must bear the cost of their lifelong care. 3 tons of fruit and vegetables are consumed per month, which together with other necessary foods such as feed, legumes or rice, represent an average cost of €3,500 each month. They depend on us! Can you help us feed them?
Teamer desde: 23/05/2016
This orangutan lived years of exploitation in a circus since he was little and was later sold to zoos. Due to poor care, he suffers from many chronic health problems that require daily medication for life, as well as supplements to boost his weak immune system. Among these, he suffers from the beginning of diabetes, for which we offer him a special diet adapted to his needs; rhinitis, a disease that affects the respiratory tract, and leishmaniosis; It needs care! Can you help us?
Teamer desde: 06/02/2017
Estamos en un pueblo de la comarca Ribera Baixa, en Valencia. Desde hace años, nos dedicamos a rescatar animales abandonados. Para poder cubrir sus necesidades, se necesita mucho dinero al mes (sólo el pienso ya nos cuesta casi 400€). ¿Nos ayudas a mantener a estos angelitos?
Teamer desde: 10/03/2017
Este Grupo se ha creado para que los teamers de Protectora Els Millors Amics puedan aportar un segundo euro mensual. Lo recaudado entre los dos grupos Teaming servirá para pagar gastos de alimentación, gastos en salud (farmacia, veterinarios, desparasitaciones, etc.) y gastos para la mejora del refugio. ¡Muchas gracias, dobles teamers! :)
Teamer desde: 19/08/2017
Somos una asociación protectora de animales, sin ánimo de lucro. Trabajamos diariamente para proteger a los animales contra el abandono y el maltrato animal en nuestra zona, trabajamos en la concienciación de los habitantes de nuestra localidad , incentivando la adopción responsable y no la compra de animales. Ayúdanos a ayudar a tantos peludos como sea posible, ¡con cada pequeña aportación podremos hacer un gran trabajo!
Teamer desde: 11/07/2020
Our animal rescue centre is one of a kind. We need your help to feed and take care of over 200 animals, including horses, dogs, cats, ferrets, tortoises, peacocks and chickens, that live in semi-freedom, as well as other animals in need of our urgent help. Smile with Us. Join our Family.
Teamer desde: 11/07/2020
Our Animal Rescue Centre, Every Horse in the World, creates this second group for urgent cases. We remind you that besides horses we have dogs, cats, birds, ferrets that need your help. Smile with Us, Join our Family.
Teamer desde: 16/09/2020
SálvanOS es una organización basada en el esfuerzo de un grupo de personas, que luchan día a día por ayudar a los animales. No trabajamos con jaulas, todos nuestros protegidos están en casas de acogida, que los ayudan a recuperarse desde el calor de un hogar. Y finalmente, cuando tienen adoptantes definitivos, los enviamos con ellos y volvemos a empezar. Todo animalero sabe que esta labor no termina nunca.
Teamer desde: 03/08/2022
Teamer desde: 28/02/2023
SOS Primates is a non-profit organization that supports the work of the Lwiro Primate Rehabilitation Center (CRPL). Located in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, the center is home to more than 90 chimpanzees and 100 monkeys rescued from poaching and illegal trafficking. In this war-stricken area, the CRPL employs more than 50 local workers and represents the only hope for the protection and survival of these fascinating animals.
Teamer desde: 03/06/2023
Somos un grupo reducido de personas particulares ,que con esfuerzos y mucho trabajo, ayudamos a perros abandonados y/o maltratados a buscarles hogar temporal o definitivo Tenemos un refugio cerca de Los Alcázares en construcción.
Teamer desde: 21/11/2024
We are a non-profit entity with 27 years of experience, our headquarters are in Madrid but we work supporting families from all the autonomous communities. Our goal is to carry out the first specific residence for people with Prader Willi Syndrome. Help us to fulfill their rights, help us to give them a home!!