Frances Small


Teamer in 2 Gruppen

Spendet jeden Monat: 2 € für 2 Gruppen

Seit 22-02-2024 gespendet: 27 €

Mitglied in folgenden Gruppen


362 € Gespendet

55 Teamer

Teamer seit:  22/02/2024

Twilight - la maison de retraite pour les chiens

Twilight is an association registered under French Loi 1901, W242001328. Established in 2009, more than 400 elderly, disabled and sick dogs have passed through its gates. It has also inspired many people to welcome an old or disabled dog into their life in supported Outreach. Situated in the Dordogne, in the family home of Leeanne and Michael Whitley, all dogs live as family for their remaining days. Your monthly donation will help Twilight cover costs for the current 50 dogs it supports.

964 € Gespendet

18 Teamer

Teamer seit:  02/04/2024

Amour et Protection des Animaux 79

L'association APA lutte pour le bien être de l'animal: prise en charge des animaux, stérilisation de chats errants, nourrissage des chats errants, soins aux chats errants, sauvetage d'animaux. Nous existons depuis plus de 10 ans.