Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

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This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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Atualização da causa
Diana Hofer, Teaming Manager, em 07/02/2022  em 20:01h

EN: Hi dear teamers! Just wanted to say thank you for the support (and welcome to the new joiners) and to show you a glimpse from the work of our amazing volunteers.
2021 meant 461 street cats got a chance to a slightly better life by being neutered! This is quite an achievement for the small group of people that does this from their own free time.
But this also means our debt at the vet is now the size of a small mountain, so don't forget that sharing is caring. Everyone's small contribution counts, and only together we can ensure that our volunteers can continue their work on the streets of Cluj.
Thank you again!

RO: Buna dragi teamers! Am vrut doar sa va multumesc pentru suport (si sa le urez bun venit celor noi) si sa va arat o clipa din munca voluntarilor nostri.
2021 a insemnat pentru 461 de pisici comunitare o sansa la o viata putin mai buna deoarece au fost sterilizate! Este o realizare mare pentru grupul mic de oameni care isi dedica timpul liber pentru asta.
Dar asta inseamna si ca am adunat un munte de datorii la cabinetul veterinar, deci va rog nu uitati ca 'sharing is caring'. Mica contributie a fiecaruia conteaza, si doar impreuna putem sa ne asiguram ca voluntarii nostri pot sa isi continue munca pe strazile Clujului.
Multumesc inca o data!

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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