This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

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Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 06/08/2024  at 12:55h

Entre diciembre- febrero vamos a empezar las construcción de una biblioteca y dos aulas en la zona de la organización donde los alumnos y alumnas de Cape thre point puedan venir a hacer actividades extraescolares y a estudiar. La mayoris encuentra dificil hacer nada después del colegio ya que tienen que ayudar en las tareas de casa o en la pesca etc... la falta de recursos también hace dificil que sean consistentes con su motivación para seguir educandose o terminar la enseñanzza básica. Esto les va a ayudar a tener un espacio donde puedan sentirse a salvo y puedan aprender y cultivar sus conocimientos y también donde les podemos ayudar con su educación despues del colegio. Muchas gracias ya que vuestras aportaciones van a ayudar de mucho para poder comprar material como libros etc... Iremos actualizando para que veais el progreso. Mil gracias!

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 15/06/2024  at 20:58h

visiting the kids

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 28/05/2024  at 09:04h

Estamos estos dias trabajando en Infantil en el cole. Tenemos dos voluntarios con nosotros que nos están ayudando muchísimo y han ayudado para comprar material ya que los peques necesitan muchas recursos. También están arreglando el tejado ya que cuando llueve se inunda el aula y es imposible estar dentro. Pasito a pasito. Si quereis saber mas sobre el trabajo que hacemos no dudeis en escribirme.

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 06/05/2024  at 19:27h

Este mes empezamos a reformar un aula de infantil, esperamos poder mejorarlo y nuestor objetivo es poder renovar las aulas de infantil y que tengan material para poder aprender de una manera mas dinamica. De momento no tienen, ni juegos, ni libros, nisiquiera pinturas. Es nuestro objetivo para este verano. Gracias a vuesr¡tra ayuda seguro que podemos avanzar.

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 06/05/2024  at 19:23h

Gracias a voluntarios y voluntarias el año pasado pudimos mejorar unos cuantos aulas, y tuvimos varias donaciones las cuales nos ayudaron muchísimo para hacer nuesvos escritorios y evitar que se sentaran en el suelo.

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 08/01/2024  at 15:54h

Conoce al fundador de la Organización

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Question about the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 08/01/2024  at 15:52h

Te gustaria saber mas?

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 08/01/2024  at 15:51h

Mejorando las aulas, aunque nos queda mucho trabajo, pero hay que mejorar el ambiente de las clases para que los alumnos y alumnas se sientan sobretodo que son importantes.

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 08/01/2024  at 15:50h

De la anterior a esta

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 08/01/2024  at 15:50h

Algunas de las mejoras

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 08/01/2024  at 15:49h

Renovando escritorios

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 08/01/2024  at 15:48h

De antes a después

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 08/01/2024  at 15:47h

Some of the developments thanks to volunteers donations

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 26/10/2023  at 09:58h

6 classrooms were painted and desks were Refurbished and new ones were donated.

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 26/10/2023  at 09:57h

Some developments made thanks to our volunteers last summer.

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 25/10/2023  at 09:23h

We are looking for volunteers to support the work in the school, if you would like to be part of our team please contact us through our website.

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

Update of the cause
Mónica pérez
Mónica pérez, Teaming Manager, on 20/10/2023  at 08:38h

Creating a positive and supportive environment for children in school is essential for their well-being, learning, and development. Here are key factors to consider in fostering a conducive environment for kids in school:

1. **Safety:** Ensuring the physical safety of students is paramount. This includes maintaining secure and hazard-free facilities, conducting regular safety drills, and implementing appropriate security measures.

2. **Inclusivity:** Schools should be inclusive environments where every child, regardless of their background, abilities, or characteristics, feels welcomed and valued. This includes providing support for children with disabilities and fostering a culture of acceptance.

3. **Engaging Learning Spaces:** Classrooms and common areas should be designed to be engaging and age-appropriate. Bright colors, interactive materials, and displays can create an environment that stimulates curiosity and learning.

4. **Supportive Teachers:** Teachers play a crucial role in creating a positive environment. They should be well-trained, caring, and attentive to each child's needs, offering a nurturing and encouraging atmosphere.

5. **Respect and Discipline:** Schools should instill a culture of respect and discipline, where children learn to treat others with kindness and consideration. This includes addressing issues such as bullying and fostering conflict resolution skills.

6. **Positive Relationships:** Encouraging positive relationships among students, teachers, and parents is vital. Schools can facilitate this through activities like parent-teacher conferences, open communication channels, and collaborative projects.

7. **Diverse Curriculum:** A diverse and well-rounded curriculum that respects different learning styles and backgrounds is essential. It ensures that all students have the opportunity to explore their interests and talents.

8. **Support Services:** Many students may require additional support, whether it's in the form of counseling, special education, or language assistance. A school environment should provide these services when needed.

9. **Play and Physical Activity:** Allowing for breaks and physical activities is crucial for children's development. Playgrounds, sports facilities, and regular breaks are essential for children's physical and mental well-being.

10. **Healthy Nutrition:** Schools should provide nutritious meals and promote healthy eating habits. Good nutrition is essential for children's physical and cognitive development.

11. **Emotional Support:** Teachers and staff should be trained to provide emotional support to children who may be dealing with stress, anxiety, or other emotional challenges.

12. **Parental Involvement:** Encouraging parents to be involved in their children's education and school activities can create a sense of community and support.

13. **Positive Reinforcement:** Celebrating achievements, big or small, can boost children's self-esteem and motivation. Recognizing their efforts and successes is essential.

Creating a positive and supportive environment for kids in school not only enhances their educational experience but also contributes to their overall well-being and personal growth. A school should be a place where children feel safe, inspired, and valued.

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.