Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

Tradução em Beta. Ajuda-nos a melhorar

Mirada de Michi

Teamers: 22

Raised: 1 €

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
To comment:

If you are not in this Group, join them and help them with 1€ per month

If you are already in this Group, log in to your Teaming account:

Atualização da causa
Sandra Aracil Lopez
Sandra Aracil Lopez, Teaming Manager, em 14/11/2023  em 09:52h

Estamos luchando contra el PIF, una enfermedad mortal que la cura vale 3.000€, Ébano está en la antesala del arcoiris luchando por su vida, necesitamos dinero para pagar los viales, los ingresos, las analíticas, ecografías, etc
Ayúdanos a salvar a Ébano

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
To comment: