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Dear Teamers,
On behalf of the little bears of Bear-Again, we want to extend our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Your contributions have made a significant impact on the lives of these precious animals, and we couldn’t have done it without your generous support.
Your willingness to come together and help care for and rehabilitate orphaned bears is truly inspiring. Every donation, every effort, and every shared moment of compassion has brought us closer to providing these bears with the care and environment they need to thrive.
Thank you for being part of this meaningful journey. Your kindness and dedication are creating a brighter future for the bears, and we are forever grateful to have you as a part of this incredible community.
With heartfelt appreciation,
Orphan Bear Rehabilitation Centre – Bear Again
Seven orphan cubs joind our project so far this summer. Follow our facebook page ( to see the newest events.
Thank you very much for your support. This project would not be possible without your help!!!
Five new cubs joind us so far, but we expect more. Stay with us to see them on our facebook page:
These little bears would have no chance without your help.
Thank you very much for your support!!!
This year we saved 15 new cubs and released back into the wild 13 yearlings which came last year.
Your help was really usefull and we would like to thank all of you!!!
That's great to hear Leonardo, thank you for all the amazing work you did!
We’re very happy to let you know that with your donations on teaming fed 24 orphan bear cubs for one week!
Your combined small gesture from the last 3 months added up to 155 euros. With this amount we bought a bag of high quality milk powder which is the base of the milk formula we feed the 11 orphan bear cubs we rescued this year, 2 bags of sunflower seeds and one bag of corn which we feed with the drone to the 13 bear cubs from last year.
Together we proved that a small gesture like yours can make a difference!
The bear cubs, Leonardo and Gabriel are grateful for your help!
Suntem bucuroși să vă anunțăm că donațiile dumneavoastră de pe grupul de teaming au hrănit 24 de ursuleți orfani timp de o săptămână!
Gestul dumneavostră din ultimele 3 luni a adunat 155 de euro. Cu suma aceasta am cumpărat un sac cu lapte de praf de calitate superioară, care este baza formulei de lapte a celor 11 ursuleți orfani salvați anul acesta, 2 saci cu semințe de floarea soarelui și un sac cu porumb, care vor hrăni cei 13 ursuleți de anul trecut.
Împreună am demonstrat că un gest mic ca și al dumneavoastră poate să facă o diferență!
Ursuleții, Leonardo si Gabriel vă sunt recunoscători pentru ajutor!
We received into our care the first orphan bear cub of 2020.
It was first seen alone close on the outskirts of a village close to the project area and the next day it climbed a tree in the backyard of a local.
The mother bear was not present and authorities notified us to come and capture the cub.
The cubs is weak, but in good health. It probably didn't eat for a long time and was dehydrated.
We place the cub inside the den-house, it's eating and slowly regaining its strength.
Am luat în grijă primul ursuleț orfan din 2020.
A fost văzut prima dată singur la marginea unei localități în apropierea zonei de proiect, iar în ziua următoare s-a urcat într-un copac în curtea unui localnic.
Ursoaica nu era prezentă și autoritățile ne-au chemat să îl capturăm pe micuț.
Puiul este slab, dar în stare bună. Probabil nu mâncase mult timp si era deshidratat.
L-am plasat în căsuța bârlog, mănâncă și încet își recapătă din puteri.
Care este varsta maxima a puilor pe care ii primiti la orfelinat?
Bună, Oana! De obicei după luna iulie nu mai acceptăm pui noi la orfelinat. Cu cât puii sunt mai mici cu atât se împrietenesc mai ușor. După ce au cam 5-6 luni nu se mai integrează în grupul de ursuleți, iar procesul de reabilitare este îngreunat și pune în pericol reabilitarea puilor ajunși mai devreme.
We've started to renovate the den-house, the place where the orphan bear cubs are kept at the beginning of the rehabilitation process. The floor was old and the roof was broken in several places because of storms.
In a few days we will be done. We are expecting a new orphan bear cub, the first patient of 2020, so we are working as fast as we can.
Thank you all for your support and if you have any questions about the project or bear in general you can always leave a comment or send a message.
Vă salut,
Am început să renovăm căsuța-bârlog, locul unde ținem puii orfani de urs la începutul procesului de reabilitare. Podeaua era veche, iar acoperișul era rupt în mai multe locuri din cauza unor furtuni
În câteva zile vom fi gata. Așteptăm un nou pui orfan de urs, primul pacient din 2020, așa că lucrăm cât de repede putem.
Vă mulțumim tuturor pentru ajutor, iar dacă aveți întrebări despre proiect sau urși în general puteți lăsa oricând un comentariu sau să ne trimiteți un mesaj.
Împreună putem face multe chestii faine! Go bears
Așa este! În numele ursuleților vă mulțumim pentru sprijin! Dacă aveți întrebări, sugestii, sau vă pot ajuta cu ceva, vă stau la dispoziție!
Hello and greeting to the newest teamers that support the orphan bear cubs:
Diana Frandeș
Philipp Engelhard
Ionut Macri
Botei Daniel
Adalbert Galgoczy
Ioana Negrutiu
Elvin Rusu
Thank you all for choosing to lend a helping hand!
If you have any questions about the project, bears in general or just wanna say hi, go for it!
Many thanks and welcome to the first 5 teamers that chose to support Bear Again:
AJ Kirsch
Andreea Mogos
Irina Pavelescu
dr b bresard
Roland Galgoczy
If you have any questions about the project or bears in general, I will be more than happy to answer.
I'll keep you posted regularly on what is happening in the Hășmaș Mountain, Romania, where the orphan cubs are being rehabilitated.
Right now we have 12 bear cubs in our care that arrived last year and they woke up a couple of weeks ago from their winter slumber. These cubs will be released in autumn if everything goes well.
Spring is when new orphan bear cubs are found and brought to us so we are quite busy preparing everything for when they arrive.
An average of 10 orphan bear cubs reach our care each yeah, but there have been years when over 20 cubs needed our help.
Thank you again and let me know if I can do anything for you!
Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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