Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

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This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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1 Comment
Virginia García de Baldomero, Teamer, em 07/03/2018  em 14:15h

Acabo de unirme a vosotras .Espero que cada día seamos más.

Amparo Alba Esteve, Teamer, em 07/03/2018  em 16:51h

Bienvenida Virginia, muchisimas gracias !!

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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PATRICIA CABAÑERO DOMENECH, Teamer, em 26/01/2018  em 20:25h

Hola chicas!!!! Me acabo de unir a vuestro teaming !!! Soy Patruchi Truchi!!! Gracias por lo que hacéis !!!!

Amparo Alba Esteve, Teamer, em 26/01/2018  em 20:51h

Holaaa a todos, muchas gracias a los que os habéis unido al teaming, os necesitan ns peques y juntos podemos

Amparo Alba Esteve, Teamer, em 26/01/2018  em 20:55h

Hola Patri, muchas gracias, juntas podemos

Irene Arona, Teaming Manager, em 27/01/2018  em 00:52h

Hola Patricia! Bienvenida! Muchas gracias a todos!!

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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