Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

Traducció en Beta. Ajuda'ns a millorar

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
Per comentar:

Si no ets del Grup, uneix-te i ajuda'ls amb 1€ al mes

Si ets del Grup, accedeix al teu perfil Teaming

1 comentari
orlagh dunne
orlagh dunne, Teamer, el 27/01/2022  a les 22:31h

Ioannis & Gorgios you are doing amazing work. It is a pleasure to help you in your never ending work & your commitment to rescue as many poor animals in need.

Sabine Borchert, Teamer, el 28/01/2022  a les 09:57h

I totally agree! I hope there will be manymore Teamers soon! :-)

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
Per comentar:

Jeaninelaura Eloot
Jeaninelaura Eloot, Teamer, el 24/12/2021  a les 18:36h

Please join us 1euro a month we are with 8600 Juttashelter friends it would be awesome for Ioannis and his animals !

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
Per comentar: