Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

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NTT DATA with Ukraine

Teamers: 175

Recaptat: 1 €

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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Actualització de com va la causa
NTT DATA, Teaming Manager, el 10/12/2024  a les 18:56h

¡Muchas gracias a todos los que seguís aquí cada mes! Como ya aventurábamos, desgraciadamente, en Ucrania la situación se ha alargado en el tiempo y que todavía haya personas como las que estáis aquí, ayudando cada mes, supone muchísimo. Recientemente, llegamos al triste hito de los 1,000 días de guerra a gran escala.

En cada conflicto ocurre lo mismo: al principio es fácil movilizar ayuda, pero después, aunque siga siendo necesaria, cuesta mucho más. Así que GRACIAS.

Desde ACNUR nos envían una actualización de lo que están trabajando actualmente gracias a nuestra ayuda. ACNUR y sus socios ONG están renovando sitios de tránsito para los evacuados, suministrándoles equipos y coordinando y gestionando los sitios. ACNUR también está proporcionando protección y asistencia multisectorial a los evacuados tanto dentro como fuera de estos centros.

Entre enero y octubre de 2024, ACNUR ha distribuido asistencia en efectivo multipropósito a 301,123 personas afectadas por la guerra, desplazados internos, evacuados recientes de áreas de primera línea, retornados y personas con vulnerabilidades específicas. Hasta ahora, se han desembolsado un total de $73.7 millones este año, incluyendo a unas 30,149 personas apoyadas con efectivo de emergencia tras ataques con misiles y evacuaciones.

Con 111€, se puede proporcionar a una familia un kit de refugio de emergencia, con materiales necesarios para reparar tejados dañados y ventanas rotas. Y con este Grupo podemos financiar 2 cada mes.

En cuanto a la situación del conflicto, nos cuenta que las necesidades de los civiles están creciendo en medio de intensos ataques y con la llegada de otra temporada invernal agotadora.

Las tropas ucranianas están conteniendo una de las ofensivas "más poderosas" de Rusia desde el inicio de la guerra a gran escala de Moscú, particularmente en la región de Donetsk. En septiembre, se registró el mayor número de civiles muertos y heridos en 2024 hasta la fecha. Las evacuaciones de personas de las comunidades en primera línea continuaron, con evacuaciones obligatorias en la región de Járkov anunciadas el 15 de octubre en la ciudad de Kupiansk, así como en tres comunidades adyacentes.

La escalada de las hostilidades ha aumentado significativamente las necesidades humanitarias cerca de la línea de frente cambiante. Se espera que los civiles, particularmente en las comunidades de primera línea, enfrenten el peor invierno desde el inicio de la guerra a gran escala en Ucrania debido al clima extremadamente frío y a una pérdida general del 65 por ciento de la capacidad de generación de energía en los últimos meses debido a los ataques a la infraestructura.

Desde agosto, unas 170,000 personas se han visto obligadas a abandonar sus hogares en el este, muchas evacuadas de las áreas que experimentan hostilidades, uniéndose a los casi 4 millones que permanecen desplazados dentro de Ucrania, y 6.7 millones más que han buscado refugio fuera del país.

Así que como veis, vuestra ayuda ahora es tan importante como lo era en un inicio. ¡Seguimos!

[ENG]Thank you so much to everyone who continues to support us each month! As we had feared, unfortunately, the situation in Ukraine has dragged on, and for there to still be people like you, helping every month, means a lot. Recently, we reached the sad milestone of 1,000 days of large-scale war.

In every conflict, the same thing happens: at the beginning, it’s easy to mobilize help, but later, even though it’s still needed, it becomes much harder. So, THANK YOU.

UNHCR has sent us an update on what they are currently working on thanks to our help. UNHCR and its NGO partners are renewing transit sites for evacuees, providing them with equipment, and coordinating and managing the sites. UNHCR is also providing protection and multisectoral assistance to evacuees both inside and outside these centers.

Between January and October 2024, UNHCR distributed multipurpose cash assistance to 301,123 war-affected people, internally displaced persons, recent evacuees from front-line areas, returnees, and people with specific vulnerabilities. So far, a total of $73.7 million has been disbursed this year, including about 30,149 people supported with emergency cash after missile attacks and evacuations.

With €111, a family can receive an emergency shelter kit with the necessary materials to repair damaged roofs and broken windows. And with this group, we can fund 2 of them each month.

As for the situation in the conflict, we are told that the needs of civilians are growing amid intense attacks and the arrival of another exhausting winter season.

Ukrainian troops are holding back one of Russia's "most powerful" offensives since the beginning of Moscow's large-scale war, particularly in the Donetsk region. In September, the highest number of civilian deaths and injuries in 2024 was recorded. Evacuations from front-line communities continued, with mandatory evacuations announced in the Kharkiv region on October 15 in the city of Kupiansk and three adjacent communities.

The escalation of hostilities has significantly increased humanitarian needs near the shifting front line. Civilians, particularly in front-line communities, are expected to face the worst winter since the start of the large-scale war in Ukraine due to extremely cold weather and a general 65 percent loss in energy generation capacity in recent months due to attacks on infrastructure.

Since August, around 170,000 people have been forced to leave their homes in the east, many evacuated from areas experiencing hostilities, joining nearly 4 million who remain displaced within Ukraine, and 6.7 million more who have sought refuge outside the country.

As you can see, your help is now as important as it was at the beginning. We continue!

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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Actualització de com va la causa
NTT DATA, Teaming Manager, el 06/03/2023  a les 18:02h

Dear colleagues,

It has just been one year since the war in Ukraine and the launch of this Teaming initiative. We would like to thank you for donating this euro month after month. As we advanced when we created it, this conflict has dragged on for a long time and help is still needed. Initiatives like ours, which help month after month, are so necessary. Because, whether or not the focus is on this conflict, they still need us. That is why UNHCR has asked us to thank you. Help like this is exactly what allows them to continue working.

We leave you with a video created by UNHCR to bring the reality of the conflict and the importance of the support we are giving a little closer:

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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Actualització de com va la causa
NTT DATA, Teaming Manager, el 12/07/2022  a les 17:31h

Dear NTT DATA colleagues,

We are proud to announce that we have made our first Teaming donation to UNHCR/ACNUR. The organization has sent us a message of thanks and encourages us to continue helping in this way. The situation is still terrible, but the donations have started to decrease. Even in the unlikely event that the conflict is to end today, Ukrainians will need our help for years to come. However, once Ukraine is no longer in the news, it will be much more difficult for UNHCR to get support - as has happened before in Syria or Afghanistan. So, they have reiterated to us that this recurring support is what they need most.

In the “destination of the funds” section, you will find more information about how our aid is helping and also further data about the current situation.

We have committed to send them the donation quarterly. They will keep us informed of the progress and news. You will also find a link in the main page of this Teaming Group to consult anytime you want the UNCHR official webpage with data of the conflict frequently updated.

Thank you very much for all your support! We encourage you to share this Teaming Group with more colleagues. We hope that every month there will be more of us!

Best regards,

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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