Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

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This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
To comment:

If you are not in this Group, join them and help them with 1€ per month

If you are already in this Group, log in to your Teaming account:

Atualização da causa
Brigitte Hallhuber, Teaming Manager, em 17/07/2024  em 08:33h

Die ersten Lebensmittel konnten verteilt werden und die Kinder bekamen aus anderen Spenden noch ein paar Spielsachen

Monika Mittendorfer
Monika Mittendorfer, Teamer, em 03/08/2024  em 08:55h

da unsere Projekte einen ähnlichen Namen haben unterstütze ich euch gerne

Brigitte Hallhuber, Teaming Manager, em 05/08/2024  em 11:52h

Vielen Dank liebe Monika

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
To comment: