Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

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Animal Soul

Teamers: 54

Raised: 1 €

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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ALMAANIMAL05 Noelia, Teaming Manager, em 22/11/2022  em 11:12h

Ratona cuando fue rescatada

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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1 Comment
Atualização da causa
ALMAANIMAL05 Noelia, Teaming Manager, em 11/05/2020  em 23:04h

Ya son 50 los gatitos que tengo a mi cargo .. Necesito más que nunca ti ayuda

akvile zitkauskaite
akvile zitkauskaite, Teamer, em 12/05/2020  em 14:33h

Buenas tardes Noelia cómo gustaría que ayude?comentame por Messenger o Whatsapp y haré lo que esté en mis manos. Espero tu noticias pronto .Un cordial saludo

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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