Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

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Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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Si no ets del Grup, uneix-te i ajuda'ls amb 1€ al mes

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Actualització de com va la causa
Rosa Chaparro
Rosa Chaparro, Teaming Manager, el 30/04/2021  a les 10:24h

Dear friends,

Spring (warmer as summer!) has arrived to our sanctuaries and with it a lot of flowers, a great variety of other animals (like insects and birds), hope as more people are getting vaccinated, good news and rehoming stories with happy endings. The amount of work before us can seem quite overwhelming at times, but we will never stop in helping to create a world where donkeys and mules live free from suffering, and their contribution to humanity is fully valued.

The renovation work at our sanctuaries is almost complete, and we continue ensuring that our 262 resident donkeys and mules continue to receive expert care, a warm (and now brand new!) safe stable to rest in and freshly planted grass to explore and graze. We are also planning very exciting work around donkey care education for responsible ownership and early ages, which we hope to share soon.

In our previous newsletter we told you about the neglected case where 37 animals were left homeless in La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz) after their owner was prosecuted for animal abuse. We have very good news to share. We are so pleased to tell you that the equines have already joined warm, loving homes where they will receive all the care and attention they deserve. We will tell you more below.

In this newsletter, we will also provide advice on how to protect donkeys from insects and poisonous plants, keep you informed on life at our sanctuaries, and offer some updates about our resident donkeys and mules.

Hope you enjoy the reading! Thank you all for your incredible support ♥

El Refugio del Burrito

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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Actualització de com va la causa
Rosa Chaparro
Rosa Chaparro, Teaming Manager, el 26/02/2021  a les 12:49h

CAN YOU HELP US WITH A NAME FOR PIPOCA´S FOAL? (Photo of both in our profile)

Once again, we have seen at our sanctuaries the miracle of life. His mother, Pipoca, came to us last year weak, with an ongoing infection in her eyes and a surprise in her womb. Eleven months later she has given birth to this beautiful foal.

The little one, as you can see, is happy and healthy and his mother is also recovering well. To help with their care, we have thought that it would be a very kind gesture to choose a name proposed by this group of amazing supporters that donate € 1 per month (less than it costs a coffee!)

To participate:

1. Become a teamer (if you are not yet)
2. Suggest a name for him in the comments of this post
3. Among all the names we will choose one at random by a drawing.

Can you imagine how much we could do for them if many more of us donated € 1?

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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Actualització de com va la causa
Rosa Chaparro
Rosa Chaparro, Teaming Manager, el 12/02/2021  a les 12:46h

Dear friends,

Happy (delated) New Year! We hope you have had a very good start and you are enjoying the first days of this cold winter. Even here in Fuente de Piedra (Malaga), south of Spain, we can feel the freezing temperatures.

We are not going to lie, somehow we are glad to leave 2020 behind. As you know, it has been a very difficult year for all of us. We will always remember this year for the Covid-19 pandemic’s impact on our lives. The health and economic crisis has put many people at risk. However, we have been there, and we will continue so, helping to mitigate the effect of the pandemic on donkeys and their owners.

Of course, this has been only possible with your support. We are extremely proud to support a community of thought-provoking, caring, passionate, and determined individuals. Thank you for being among the many heroes we needed this year.

Thank you for being part of our family and for putting donkeys at its heart. Your support has helped achieve so much during this unpredictable year, providing love and care to the donkeys and mules who need it most.

You have ensured our 260 resident donkeys and mules continue to receive expert care, a warm safe stable to rest in and countryside to explore and graze.

Still, our heart shrinks each time a new welfare case comes to us. Our most recent rescue took place in La Linea de la Concepción (Cadiz), and resulted in 37 neglected donkeys and mules receiving urgent veterinary care and looking for new homes. The capacity of rescue animals at our sanctuaries has reached the limit and adoption homes are needed more than ever. Without adoption homes it would be very difficult to continue relocating the donkeys and mules that still need immediate assistance.

We remind you, that if you are not there yet, you can join our mailing list and we will keep you up-to-date with our latest news, events, rescue cases and more.
You just need to fill this form:

Thank you so much, your support gives us hope, encourages us to keep standing and makes us feel we are not alone during tough times.
Thank you all ♥

Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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