Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

Tradução em Beta. Ajuda-nos a melhorar

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
To comment:

If you are not in this Group, join them and help them with 1€ per month

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Atualização da causa
eli Muñoz, Teaming Manager, em 07/04/2019  em 16:34h

Muchas gracias a todas las personas que colaborais y ayudáis a crear un mundo mejor mediante el APOYO MUTUO y la Solidaridad

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
To comment:

Atualização da causa
eli Muñoz, Teaming Manager, em 09/02/2019  em 17:41h

Muchas gracias a todas y todos los que os estáis uniendo a nuestra red. Entre todas y todos, pasito a pasito, lo conseguiremos.
Mil gracias por estar y compartir.

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
To comment:

eli Muñoz, Teaming Manager, em 09/01/2019  em 17:24h

Enhorabuena! Sois las/los 8 primeras/os teamers de la Red!!
En mi nombre y el en el de toda la red, os quiero dar las gracias por aportar vuestro granito de arena a esta causa, y por confiar en nosotras/os.

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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