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Breaking Chains

Teamers: 35

Raised: 1 €

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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Atualização da causa
Lidia Fornell Olmo, Teaming Manager, em 18/09/2024  em 22:01h

Le sacamos de la perrera donde llevaba muchos años con unos tumores e infección en sus oídos que llegaban ya casi hasta sus ojos.
Se le operó dos veces de los oídos y conseguimos quitar todo. Ha perdido completamente la audición.
Ahora sus ojitos han empezado a tener problemas .
No vamos a dejar que pierda también la vista, lo hemos llevado al oftalmólogo para hacerle las pruebas necesarias.

We took him from the kennel where he had been for many years with tumors and infection in his ears that almost reached his eyes. He had two operations on his ears and we managed to remove everything. He has completely lost his hearing. Now his eyes have started to have problems. We are not going to let him lose his sight too, we have taken him to the ophthalmologist to do the necessary tests.

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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Atualização da causa
Lidia Fornell Olmo, Teaming Manager, em 18/09/2024  em 21:46h

La historia de Totoro es como la de otros muchos, lo encontraron en la calle solito y terminó en la perrera.
Está enfermo de Leishmania y Filaria muy avanzadas.
Sólo tiene dos añitos, toda la vida por delante. Sólo quiere jugar, estar con otros perritos y llora cuando tiene que volver al chenil.
No hemos dejado que se convierta en un invisible en la perrera y lo hemos sacado para darle una nueva vida.

TOTORO Totoro's story is like that of many others, he was found alone on the street and ended up in the pound. He is sick with very advanced Leishmania and Filaria. He's only two years old, his whole life ahead of him. He just wants to play, be with other dogs and cries when he has to go back to the kennel. We have not let him become invisible in the kennel and we have taken him out to give him a new life.

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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Atualização da causa
Lidia Fornell Olmo, Teaming Manager, em 18/09/2024  em 21:28h

Tratamientos antiparasitarios para que todos los pequeños estén protegidos.

Antiparasitic treatments so that all children are protected

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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Atualização da causa
Lidia Fornell Olmo, Teaming Manager, em 18/09/2024  em 21:26h

Factura de tratamiento, vacunas y analíticas de seguimiento de DANTE, uno de nuestros pequeños rescatados.

Invoice for treatment, vaccines and follow-up tests for DANTE, one of our rescued little ones.

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.
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