Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

Traduzione in Beta Aiutaci a migliorare

Poic e dintorni Onlus

Teamers: 39

Cresciuta 1 €

Aggiornamenti sulla causa
Alessandro Palmitelli
Alessandro Palmitelli, Teaming Manager, il 27/09/2021  alle 14:01h

This is pediatric CIPO – Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction

Ornella Spada, President of the Association Poic e dintorni, lifts the veil on Pediatric Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction, a pathology recognised as rare and life-threating by the international medical community.

As the mother of a child affected by CIPO since birth, she introduces us to the clinical and management complexity of this invisible disease for which there are no cures or therapeutic solutions.

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