Teamers 4 Teaming

Teamers: 15.359

Recaudación: 1 €

4 comentarios
Katharina Eilmann-Voss, Teamer, el 11/08/2024  a las 17:59h

Danke für Eure Arbeit!

thomas eise eise, Teamer, el 13/08/2024  a las 07:37h

ich habe jetzt 2 jahre versucht mich dort ehrenamtlich zu engagieren. auf facebook und telefonanruf wurde nie reagiert . und als ich dann mal die emailadresse angeschreieben habe war große verwunderung da. schade das man so mit leuten umgweht die was ehrenamtlich machen wollen

Fundación Teaming
Fundación Teaming, Teaming Manager, el 13/08/2024  a las 09:51h

Thank you all for your support!

Thomas, We are not sure that we have received your volunteering offering, we don't have direct phone (we wouldn't be able to attend it) or facebook inbox for the same reason. We have checked also the volunteering form and we couldn't find you. We are sorry but we don't know what happened, but to make sure to receive your offering that, of course, we will be well receveived, please fill the following form:

In case the link is not working, you can find this form in the section: "Ehrenamtlich unterstützen" in the footer of the page. BIG THANK YOU for wanting to become a volunteer of the Teaming Foundation

Este foro sólo es para los Teamers y Teaming Managers del Grupo.
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