La llengua en què estàs visitant el web ha sigut traduïda per voluntaris. Encara es troba en procés de millora i traducció. Per aquest motiu, t'agrairíem moltíssim que si trobes cap errada, ens escriguis.
Escriu-nos clicant aquí.
Thank you for the platform, we are struggling to grow our own teaming group, but the help received so far has been invaluable and we are grateful for the opportunity. Keep up the great work.
Hi Maria! Thank you for these message. It melted our heart.
We must say that you are doing a great job, also with your Teaming Group. It's true that Teaming is a long-term option, but you have more than 150 Teamers, and you haven't stop growing. That's a great sign.
Big hug! :-)
Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
Per comentar:
Hi Maria! Thank you for these message. It melted our heart.
We must say that you are doing a great job, also with your Teaming Group. It's true that Teaming is a long-term option, but you have more than 150 Teamers, and you haven't stop growing. That's a great sign.
Big hug! :-)