Habitat Sanctuary NPCS

Teamers: 118

Recaudación: 1 €

2 comentarios
Actualización de cómo va la causa
Isabella Hillmayr
Isabella Hillmayr, Teaming Manager, el 25/05/2024  a las 08:52h

Dear Teaming supporters and cat lovers. Thank you so very much for your ongoing support of Isabella's Tea Cup Rescue Cat Shelter Athens Greece. Sadly the project could not be realized as described under the name of Tea Cup Rescue and the Cat shelter is migrating to a new location in the municipality of Oropos, Attika, Greece.
Situated between Malakassa and Avlona, just 49km from the city center of Athens, lays the new cat heaven of the HABITAT SANCTUARY NPCS (Non Profit Civil Society) Reg.# 174116301000 & KAK 3954794 -21/12/23.
Isabella founded this Non Profit Civil Society in order to help even more and better. The Tea Cup Rescue has been her "close o the heart" project. It still is, however within the new legal protection and frame of the HABITAT SANCTUARY NPCS.

Because "Isabella's Tea Cup Rescue Cat Shelter Athens Greece" did not have a synonymous bank account, the Teaming Funds could not be accessed. However, reading from the instructions on the Teaming site, Isabella is able to terminate this aforesaid cause and with your consent migrate the funds to the new cause HABITAT SANCTUARY AMKE (NPCS in english).
The dream has NOT changed. The vison has become bigger and better. Isabella is still Isabella, the rescuer, the care giver, the founder and now the CEO of the Habitat Sanctuary.
So at long last, we are hopefully able to access your donations and put them to good use, as we have a lot of new building projects and renovations.
On the top of this list is the creation of a blind cat outdoor and activity pen, created especially for blind and vision impaired cats, offering them diversity and a fulfilled life without boredom and stress, as so often we have seen in other, conventional cat shelters the case is.
I do hope, that you agree to this change in Name without changing the cause. Isabella's Cat Shelter still exists, it only has become bigger, better, kinder for all animals.

Please continue supporting. We did not go away - we are coming!

IBAN: GR4402600930000610201386593
PayPal Info@teacuprescue.org

Ottilie Lugmayr, Teamer, el 26/05/2024  a las 15:51h

Viel Erfolg und Unterstützer

Sabine Dreier
Sabine Dreier, Teamer, el 16/07/2024  a las 09:35h

Ich bin dieser Gruppe nun auch beigetreten. Somit sind es 8 Gruppen bei mir. Es wäre schön, wenn viele folgten.

Este foro sólo es para los Teamers y Teaming Managers del Grupo.
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