Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

Traduzione in Beta Aiutaci a migliorare

Pepi's Refuge

Teamers: 5

Cresciuta 1 €

1 Commenti
Laura Buckley, Teamer, il 08/07/2013  alle 15:21h

I am getting charged £1.86 when 1 euro in pounds is 86 pence. It doesn't really make any sense. I am assuming the bank in adding an extra pound on for some reason. Does this happen with everybody else?


MCarmen Fernández Gallardo, Teamer, il 19/01/2015  alle 16:41h

Es raro que pasen estas cosas. Es mejor que lo hables con tu Banco, tal vez cobre algo de dinero por la gestión, no?
Saludos, MCarme

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