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La llengua en què estàs visitant el web ha sigut traduïda per voluntaris. Encara es troba en procés de millora i traducció. Per aquest motiu, t'agrairíem moltíssim que si trobes cap errada, ens escriguis. Escriu-nos clicant aquí.
#HappyNewYear and #Hello #WhyNotAssociation!
New year, new name, same values, same mission! ❤️ Starting from January 1st, 2025, the Tierschutzprojekt Italien e.V. team will be working for the Why Not Association gUG.
We’re thrilled for a new chapter, new challenges, our projects, and many happy dogs that we will rescue together with you!
Let’s make a change.
Our team remains the same. Our projects too!
Why the new name? Why not!
Our inspiration is the sweet WHY – she taught us that every bit of help matters. ❤️
With the Why Not Association, we want to give even more hope to the dogs in southern Italy – because every help and every rescue starts with a “Why not?”
Thanks to a new legal structure, diverse ways to generate donations, professional organization, and a modern brand presence that will also allow us to act internationally, we aim to grow with you and contribute to animal welfare.
Of course, we are still a non-profit, and your donations will continue to benefit our dogs. ❤️
Please help us and be part of WHY’s mission!
Thank you for joining us on this journey – without you, none of this would be possible! ❤️
Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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