Calidad antes que cantidad. Ese ha sido siempre nuestro lema.
Cuando empezamos, teníamos estudiantes que iban a escuelas públicas y otras ONG. Si necesitas el apoyo de dos ONG educativas para tener éxito en la escuela, algo anda mal. Sabíamos que no queríamos copiar un viejo sistema educativo que ya estaba fallando. Desde el principio supimos que queríamos hacer las cosas de otra manera.
Decidimos centrarnos en cada uno de nuestros estudiantes, no como grupo sino como individuos con diferentes necesidades y formas únicas de aprender. Lo hicimos adaptando nuestros horarios y materiales educativos a las necesidades y preferencias de cada unx de nuestrxs estudiantes. Eligiendo la calidad en lugar de la cantidad.
Quality before quantity. That has always been our motto.
When we started, we had students that were going to public schools and other NGOs. If you need the support of two educational NGOs to succeed in school, something is wrong. We knew that we didn't want to copy an old educational system that was already failing. From the beginning we knew that we wanted to do things differently.
We decided to focus on each of our students, not as a group but as individual with different needs and unique ways of learning. We did so by adapting our schedules and educational material to the needs and preferences of each one of our students. Choosing quality rather than quantity.
Questo forum è riservato solo ai teamer e ai teaming manager di questo gruppo.
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