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Big V Sanctuary

Teamers : 266

Récolté : 1 €

2 commentaires
Actualisation sur la cause
Miranda Elliott, Teaming Manager, le 08/06/2024  à 20:20h

Hello Sanctuary Friends!

We are glad to say Harvey and Oberon are doing well. They're growing in strength, size and cheekiness, although still small they are doing really well. Magnus has decided he likes life in the house with them. Magnus, the Cockerell, was in such a sad state when he arrived. His feet were extremely sore and needed lots of treatment, baths and creaming. But he has been patient to allow his treatment to be given and has responded well.

Here they are duly the kitchen!

Thank you for being here, we all are truly grateful.

Your Big V Sanctuary Friends xxxx

Camilla Wellstead, Teamer, le 09/06/2024  à 13:08h

Magnus looks very majestic! He and the boys are doing so well. Such a credit to all your love and dedication

Isabelle Payne
Isabelle Payne, Teamer, le 26/06/2024  à 15:25h

Magnus Le Magnifique! He looks huge next to the lambs x

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