After the terrible floods that affected the Valencia region recently, Finca la Castellana offered a safe place for animals in need of help.
We received 5 dogs (all Podenco’s) from an illegal breeding farm destroyed in the floods, another dog whose owner couldn’t be traced and a small puppy that was found wandering in the campo.
They were all extremely traumatised by the experience and needed very careful handling and lots of TLC until they settled into their new surroundings.
I’m so pleased to be able to report that all the dogs are now healthy and fully vaccinated, 6 have been neutered and the puppy will also be, as soon as it’s old enough. 3 of these lovely dogs are now up for adoption.
Thanks to your regular monthly donations we have been able to give these dogs a second chance and hopefully in the near future we will find them a new home with a loving family.
Aquest fòrum és únicament pels Teamers i Teaming Managers del Grup.
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