F. Meyer


Teamer de 4 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 4 € para 4 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 25-11-2024 contribuiu 2 €

Grupos de que participa


15 754 € Arrecadados

1 275 Teamers

Teamer desde:  25/11/2024


Savethedogsbih is a non-profit organization in Bosnia. We rescue dogs that have been abandoned, abused and chained up. For over 6 years, the founder Bruno Jelovic and his team have been caring for over 1000 dogs. Our dogs are not kept in kennels, but live on our ranches where they can just be dogs. We are committed to growing and plan to build more ranches to accommodate more dogs.

35 800 € Arrecadados

877 Teamers

Teamer desde:  25/11/2024

Smeura - Tierhilfe Hoffnung helfen aufzuklären, Überpopulation durch Kastra

As per Guinnes Book of World Rekords the Smeura is bearing the mournful title of being the biggest animal shelter of the world. Around 5400 dogs and 600 puppies need around 2.7 tonnes food per day. The staff members are doing an inconceivable job - organizationally, physically and emotionally. Driving around with a castration van and pushing the clearing up of the locals. Every euro is needed. There are some pictures in the project description.

1 819 € Arrecadados

65 Teamers

Teamer desde:  15/12/2024

Gabis- tierschutz- antalya

Wir sind ein eingetragener Verein, der sich um strassentiere kümmert. Wir lassen Hunde und Katzen, die auf der straße leben müssen kastrieren und setzten sie an futtetstellen aus. Alte Hunde , kranke und Welpen werden von uns aufgenommen und versorgt. Sie kommen in unsere auffangstation. Für Hunde die vermittelbar sind, suchen wir ein schönes Zuhause in Deutschland. Katzen werden kastriert und bleiben als freigänger bei uns.

227 € Arrecadados

21 Teamers

Teamer desde:  15/12/2024

Fellnasenhilfe Celle e.V. helps animals in need

Fellnasenhilfe Celle e.V. helps wherever animals are in need of help. To do so, we always need donations of goods, animal food or money. We can only achieve a lot with your help. THANK YOU for your support!