Eva Lozano Carpente

Lleida, Espanha

Teaming Manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 2 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 3 € para 3 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 13-03-2013 contribuiu 295 €

Grupos de que é líder


16 156 € Arrecadados

160 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  31/08/2015

Support homeless youngsters and children of Bombay

Amin Sheikh's library-café needs your support to move forward with this project dedicated to the children of the streets of Bombay. The dream come true of a former street child who has struggled to move forward with his solidarity project to support homeless youth. The project works on 3 main axes: 1. Decent work and training. 2. Quality education, with a school for underprivileged children Little Guru's Nest. 3. Housing for homeless youth

Grupos de que participa


15 781 € Arrecadados

89 Teamers

Teamer desde:  13/03/2013


Éste es Nacho, tiene 9 años y sufre la enfermedad de Dent. Ésta enfermedad minoritaria catalogada como "Grave" es una mutación en el cromosoma X que afecta al riñon y le produce la pérdida de sustancias por la orina tales como, cálcio, potasio, fostato, glucosa, agua, etc.. creándole problemas en su musculatura, sus huesos y su estabilidad. Si sólo podemos luchar por la investigación ... así lo haremos, a por todas Nacho !! Por sólo 1 € al mes puedes ayudarnos. Gracias por tu ayuda.

5 077 € Arrecadados

89 Teamers

Teamer desde:  01/03/2021

HOME SCHOOL OF LIFE for young people who are alone.

At the NGO Imaginari-School of the Art of Living 2 years ago we have started an artistic-pedagogical-social project with young people who have immigrated alone to our country. The project is a SCHOOL OF LIFE with 3 activities (a school of values, a work cooperative, and a social floor) that helps them grow as people, integrating themselves culturally, socially and professionally. With one euro a month you help us to help.